Reasons why your website is getting very low clicks, traffic and conversions

13 | May 24, 2022

Reasons why your website is getting very low clicks, traffic and conversions

Driving clicks and traffic to your website is something that every brand aims at. Through this, the ultimate aim lies in reaching more audience, and conversions and thereby increasing the revenue. A proper channel and mode of promotion are required to get visitors to your website and tell the world what your product or service is. So what are the ways by which you can promote your business and harness growth in an efficient manner?

A proper digital marketing strategy and execution is your answer to this question. Doing the right amount of research, deriving from roadmaps and testing out possibilities is something that is going to fetch you more clicks, traffic and conversions. So why not partner with the best digital marketing company in Kerala for your digital content creation and promotion – Acutis Digital? Many a time brands might have developed a website, but they will not be receiving the expected results or at times no visits and traffic. So where are the places that you might be possibly going wrong? What are the strategies to imply in order to reduce this and how can you effectively attract genuine customers to your website?

Where do you start from?

The first step is to properly analyse and track your website traffic by using tools such as Google Analytics. This is a popular tool that provides a list of different metrics to compare and give you an insight into the activities on your website. This tool takes into consideration a wide variety of activities that takes place on your website and then compares and compiles them into a quantifiable result.

Let’s look at some of the possible reasons why you are receiving low clicks, traffic and conversions.

Is your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) on the right track?

An effective SEO strategy and execution is something that is going to get you sure shot results and take you closer to your target audience. Make sure that all your SEO efforts are right on track. Some of the things that you need to double-check are:

Duplication of content

Google analyses every page and duplication of content is something that you need to avoid in your websites. The duplicate pages will harm your rankings and your website will end up on the last pages or not get indexed at all. Checking the contents for duplication before publishing them needs to be done.

Optimising the Meta tags and descriptions

Meta tags and descriptions are the things that appear on the search result page and play a vital role in attracting customers. Making sure that these are written properly and provide apt insights regarding your brand is essential.

Checking on the backlinks

Broken links or bad links must be properly taken care of. A routine check-up of these will help you eliminate all the unnecessary or unwanted links and refresh your website with authentic and secure content.

To turn up on the first page of Google reach out to the best SEO Company in Kochi, Acutis Digital.

Accurate audience targeting

Identifying and sorting out your target audience is the first and foundational step towards more clicks, reach, traffic and conversions. Do proper market research and land on conclusions thereby, guess works and random targeting are not going to work for you.

Optimising your website for mobile view

Most users now access the internet through their mobile phones. Hence it is important to optimise your website design and contents so that it can be effectively viewed by the users through their mobiles. This is another important factor that affects your rankings big time.

Using multiple channels for website promotion

Making use of all the possible channels to promote your website should be tested and carried out. You can promote your website through the different social media platforms, Google Ads, email marketing and more. To know more about how to market your business effectively through social media platforms, reach out to our experts at the best social media marketing company in Kochi.

Just developing a website is not enough, proper maintenance and updates must be made to it at regular intervals. We always recommend hiring a digital agency for the maintenance and promotion of your brand through digital platforms. To know more about how to grow your brand, call us today!

This resource was published by Team Acutis

May 24, 2022